Classes begin at 7:15 a.m. daily
Classes end at 2:15 p.m. daily
Morning Arrival
NO student is to be dropped off earlier than 6:45 a.m. The outside doors will remain locked until that time. All students will report to his/her designated area in the gymnasium, cafeteria or theater. OMS cannot be responsible for any student arriving earlier than 6:45 am.
Afternoon Departure
Students will be dismissed at 2:15 p.m. Students are not allowed to “hang out” until athletic games begin. They must go home and arrive with a guardian prior to the event starting. Car Rider students should be picked up by 2:30 p.m.
If someone other than the parent or guardian is to pick up their child, the parent/guardian must send a note, including a verification phone number to the school office, giving permission for dismissal to that person. Due to safety issues the office cannot take dismissal requests over the phone. Dismissals after 1:45 pm will not be allowed except for emergencies. A parent or guardian must sign the student out in the office.
Emergency Dismissal
In the event of an emergency, such as weather or mechanical breakdowns, the method of dismissal will be determined by the Central Office. Please do not call the school office. You will be informed of any early dismissal through our Powerschool Messaging system. Please keep your contact information current. Correct information is essential for the safety of your child.