Ooltewah Middle School

Attendance | Tardy Policy


Morning Arrival:

NO student is to be dropped off earlier than 6:45 am. The outside doors will remain locked until that time. All students will report to their designated area in the gymnasium, cafeteria, or theater. OMS cannot be responsible for any student arriving earlier than 6:45 am.

OMS Attendance Policy:

When your student has 5 unexcused absences, you will receive a letter informing you that your student has 5 unexcused absences, and you will have to attend an Attendance Meeting with an administrator.

OMS Tardy Policy:

Tardiness results in a loss of instruction time and class disruptions. All students must arrive on time to school to be in their first class by 7:15 am. An Administrative Detention will be assigned when students have reached four (4) or more tardies within one semester. 

Students arriving at school after 7:15 am must sign in at the office and receive a pass to class.

Another Administrative Detention will be assigned for every tardy after four (4) in a 9 week/quarter. ISS and other consequences will be assigned for seven (7) or more tardies. This policy can be referenced further on page 56 of the HCS Code of Acceptable Behaviors (COAB)

Unless otherwise communicated, all Administrative Detentions will be held on Wednesdays from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Failure to report for detention may result in a suspension to a parent conference or further consequences.

Parents are responsible for transportation and should pick up the student in front of school at 3:30.

Ooltewah Middle School Administration


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